EPC Model (Engineering, Procurement & Construction).
RR is fully integrated and comprehensive EPC solutions provider. We use system design and install panel, inverter and other items of reputed brands and superior technology. We commission MNREC benchmarked solar projects. In this Model, Customer invests & own the plant. Payback period: Cash down- 3-4 years, Finance- 5-6 years.
Residential Sector:
- Government provides 30% Capital Subsidy .
- EMI scheme: For Solar Plant, banks provide loan as part of Home Loan/home improvement loan.
For Industrial and commercial buildings Bank finance is available at discounted rate for Solar Project. They can also claim accelerated depreciation benefit of 80%.
PPA Model (Only for Project Size greater than 100 kW.
Customer leases the roof to Rugghantr Rays for 15/ 25 years to build, operate and then transfer to a customer (BOOT). In this model:
- No capital investment by customer
- Customer pays monthly only for Solar Units consumed at rate 25% less than existing Grid/Discom tariff.